VIE Festival 2022
from 7 to 16 October
October 14
Directed by Argyro Chioti
Libretto The Boy
Music Composition & Sound Design Jan Van Angelopoulos
With Georgina Chriskioti, Simos Kakalas, Chara Kotsali, Antonis Miriagos, Giorgos Nikopoulos, Dimitris Sotiriou, Aliki Stenou, Argyro Chioti
Texts Andrea Zanzotto
With Leda Kreider and Marco Menegoni
Music and sound design Mauro Martinuz
Dramaturgy Simone Derai, Lisa Gasparotto
Direction, set, lights Simone Derai
Voice of the Venetian Recitativo Luca Altavilla
By Daniele Spanò
Video-sound dramaturcy Daniele Spanò and Angelo Elle
Direction, scenery, lights and visual contents Daniele Spanò
Music and sound design Angelo Elle
Voice and selection of the sung repertoire Arianna Lanci
With Arianna Lanci
Care of mouvement Alessandro Sciarroni