VIE Festival 2022

from 7 to 16 October

October 14

Revelation of the new Italian performance scene, Marco D’Agostin signs a generational biographical story entrusted to the talent of the dancer Marta Ciappina.

Marco D’Agostin
Bologna, Arena del Sole, 14- 15 October 2022

by Marco D’Agostin
with Marta Ciappina

A contemporary musical tragedy, a post-pop visual and sound work based on the unknown story of “the Auguste Rodin of Greece”.

Argyro Chioti
Bologna, Arena del Sole, 14-15 October 2022

Directed by Argyro Chioti
Libretto The Boy
Music Composition & Sound Design Jan Van Angelopoulos
With Georgina Chriskioti, Simos Kakalas, Chara Kotsali, Antonis Miriagos, Giorgos Nikopoulos, Dimitris Sotiriou, Aliki Stenou, Argyro Chioti

A new ‘encounter’ between Anagoor and the poetic word, that of Andrea Zanzotto, with whom they share suffering from devastation and tenacity in renewing the flame of arts only seemingly unheard.

A presumptuous tribute to the great shadow of Andrea Zanzotto
Vignola, Teatro Ermanno Fabbri, 13- 14 October 2022

Texts Andrea Zanzotto
With Leda Kreider and Marco Menegoni
Music and sound design Mauro Martinuz
Dramaturgy Simone Derai, Lisa Gasparotto
Direction, set, lights Simone Derai
Voice of the Venetian Recitativo Luca Altavilla

A video-sound installation in which video art and opera interact with each other, and reflect on the topic of climate, social and individual change.

Multimedia performance
Daniele Spanò
Modena, Drama Teatro, 12, 13, 14, 15 October 2022

By Daniele Spanò
Video-sound dramaturcy
Daniele Spanò and Angelo Elle
Direction, scenery, lights and visual contents Daniele Spanò
Music and sound design Angelo Elle
Voice and selection of the sung repertoire Arianna Lanci
With Arianna Lanci
Care of mouvement Alessandro Sciarroni

A dive into an immersive virtual world, exploring new and engaging ways of doing theater. A psychedelic journey, an incredible theatrical experience.

Susanne Kennedy, Markus Selg
Cesena, Teatro Comandini, 8- 9 October 2022; Modena, Biblioteca Delfini, 12- 15 October 2022

Susanne Kennedy and Markus Selg in collaboration with Rodrik Biersteker


VIE Festival focuses on contemporary creation with the aim of intercepting new identities in the field of live performance. It takes place annually in different cities in the Emilia-Romagna Region and is organized by Emilia Romagna ERT / National Theatre.
The path of VIE 22 winds through the different approaches and styles of the contemporary scene, both Italian and international.

previous editions

© VIE Festival is a project by

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